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Marlow for MSX
Well, everything I had to say about the story, characters, and inspirations has already been covered in the ZX Spectrum release. So, I just wanted to mention that this was a one-month job, working every day on the MSX conversion. Although the MPAGD engine supports both systems, there is a lot in the code that needs to be modified, in addition to redesigning the environment graphics, converting music assets, and more.
The MSX version has several graphical differences compared to the ZX Spectrum version, although most of the level layouts, enemies, and items remain the same. Later on, I plan to make a comparison between screenshots of both versions, explaining the technical changes in detail.
But in summary, the MSX version features more graphical details, a few extra screens that were left out of the ZX version due to memory limitations, higher-quality PSG sound effects, and new illustrated screens for the game's intro and ending. Oh, and there's also the addition of a jukebox screen, allowing players to listen to all the game's music from the title screen.
I hope those interested in playing have fun and enjoy the game, whether on an emulator, FPGA, or vintage hardware. Below are more screenshots: