terça-feira, 18 de fevereiro de 2025

Marlow GOTY Awards

Marlow GOTY Awards

(para versão em português clique aqui)

As has already become a tradition, this year we had the GOTY (Game of the Year) from Planeta Sinclair and Museu Load ZX Spectrum, awarding the best games made for the ZX Spectrum in 2024. To my delight, my game Marlow was nominated and won in two categories.

Getting straight to the point: "Best Platformer Game" and "Best Portuguese-Brazilian Game" for my game Marlow are things that help bring recognition and serve as an incentive to keep working on these projects.

Marlow: Best Platformer Game for ZX Spectrum in 2024

Marlow: Best Portuguese-Brazilian Game for ZX Spectrum in 2024

I'm more than happy because, even though there’s no monetary prize involved, it is the recognition of a jury composed of people from different countries, all involved in game reviews for websites, magazines, YouTube, ZX Spectrum game databases, and ZX Spectrum game development.

Marlow awards can be seen at 1h33 and 1h53 in the video above. The Planeta Sinclair post can be accessed through this link.

Let's see if I can create another ZX Spectrum game this year to compete again—new year, new projects...

Marlow for MSX

...but also old projects. I’m still working on the MSX version of Marlow, which is practically the same game as the ZX Spectrum version, with subtle differences to adapt it to the technical requirements of the famous Japanese computer from the 1980s.

My supporters on Patreon and Apoia-se now have early access to Episode 1 (half of the game) in the MSX version.

Marlow has been the most challenging game for me to port from ZX to MSX, which I already expected since it also has the most complex programming so far. I should start converting Episode 2 soon. Unfortunately, it’s not just a matter of "copying and pasting" the Episode 1 code, as there are several differences that require me to go through it line by line, test, find different ways to execute certain things on MSX, redo graphics, move elements around, etc.

Who knows, maybe in a month, I'll have it finished and share the complete game with both episodes. For now, I hope you enjoy this first episode, which constitutes practically half of the adventure. Below are the links to my Apoia-se and Patreon, followed by some screenshots of how the MSX version of the game is shaping up:



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